Face Neck Lift

Nowadays, it is one of the operations preferred by men as well as women. The skin, which sags and loses its elasticity due to aging and genetic factors, is rejuvenated with face lift and neck lift procedures and provides a healthier and more vigorous appearance. The permanent duration of face lift procedures performed without surgery is short. The person may have to repeat the procedures or may not get any results. The surgery is performed under general anesthesia. Sagging skin is removed and tightening is performed. In a face lift, the incision scars are hidden behind the ear, and in a neck lift, the incision scars are hidden under the chin, leaving no scars on the face. The most important factor in this surgery is that the patient does not smoke during recovery. In smokers, healing time is prolonged and the risk of infection increases, which can cause damage to the skin, even leading to necrosis. After 1-2 days of hospitalization, the use of a special corset for 4-6 weeks is one of the most important post-operative processes. In the first few weeks, there will be swelling on the skin due to bruising and edema. In order to reduce swelling and edema formation, ice should be applied half an hour apart without full contact with the face for 2 days after the surgery. It may take up to 3-6 months to obtain final results. The permanence of this procedure may vary depending on the person's genetic factor and age. Along with facelift, forehead lift and temporal brow lift procedures can also be performed. In these procedures, the incision line is hidden in the scalp. By performing a jawline, the patient's jaw line becomes sharper. The tip of the chin is corrected with a chin implant and fat injection. Thinning of the cheeks can be achieved with bichectomy. Combining the procedures to be performed in a single surgery increases patients' satisfaction in order to achieve the exact result they want.